Thursday Links To Love: April 9, 2020

Sigh. Bill Withers. Rest in peace.

At this point, stay-at-home orders seem an endless spooling of time towards the horizon, except there are few of our standard markers of measurement (when did I last shower? Have I brushed my teeth today? Who knows?).

Anyway, here are some Thursday links for you. Click on what’s interesting and ignore the rest.

Whether or not you have children tugging on your sleeves, locked in the house with you, you are aware of the compelling power of boredom. But boredom can be just a pit stop. In this link, Agatha Christie notes, “…there’s nothing like boredom to make you write.” I am still waiting to be bored enough, I suppose.

Bored or not, go watch Portrait of a Lady On Fire. Best viewed in HD, this lush love story is nothing like you’d expect (and not nearly enough nudity, but ah well. We can’t always get what we want.).

Sigh. Potential COVID vaccine in the works. I don’t even like putting this in the links, but if it helps you feel better, go ahead and read all about the vaccine, how long it might take, and what’s next.

But…there is some good news. The SXSW Film Festival may be canceled, but Amazon is putting films from the SXSW festival online, for free, for what would have been the ten days of the festival. Bonus: filmmakers who screen their films will still get their screening fees. As of the time I typed this post, there was not yet a set date, so mark the site and check back.