31 Day Social Media Fast: Day 2

In which I skip out on Instagram and Facebook for the month of March but still allow myself the internet.

Dy 2: Woke up at 4 a.m. to the intermittent chirp of a smoke detector about to shit the bed.

I am sensing a trend in this early rising. Goes hand in hand with the early eating from Day 1. Which was not necessarily bad, except I got really hungry around nine and ate a hunk of cheese and a gluten-free ciabatta. I could have eaten several ciabatta but did not because #restraint.

I have a hard time going back to sleep, even with earplugs in, a pillow over my head, and two doors between me and the noise (in The Child’s room, BTW, and she doesn’t stir at all).

I am sure as this month wears on I will alternate between longing for social media and realizing I am well shut of it, but when I wake up for good this morning, in the rainy quiet, with the cat purring on my chest and me reading out loud to him the first essay from The Book of Delights instead of automatically checking Instagram, I don’t feel the lack.

I get to yoga earlier than usual. Class is lovely, as it always is when my beautiful students show up to share their practices with me.

Later in the day I listen to other people’s children play their cello pieces, a surprisingly lovely thing, marred only by an old woman hacking and crinkling a water bottle in the quietest parts. Khristian’s daughter plays well, as do many of the others. A young man plays “Smells Like Teen Spirit” with the instructor, and it’s challenging to not sing along.

This post should feature a video of that performance, but none of my technology cooperates.

At intermission, everyone pulls their phones out. Except me. I feel mildly superior, and then remember I have 29 days left, and I have absent-mindedly chosen to keep this running commentary in the present tense – a major pet peeve of mine – and am chastened somewhat.

Two days down.

As ever, comment below if you want to make your presence known. And thanks for joining in. <3