31 Day Social Media Fast: Day 20

In which I skip out on Instagram and Facebook for the month of March but still allow myself the internet.

Never is the tyranny of the every day posting more oppressive than when traveling.

There is so much to report, so many things happening, but this is not meant to be a journal or travelog. And yet that is the temptation when I am not surrounded by familiar things. But I will resist. For me, writing here and in poetry is a way to process things, and the little book I keep by my bed is the journal – and rarely shall they intentionally meet.

There is an element of travelog here, but, I realize, not enough to give my three regular readers a full and complete picture of our experiences in Canada so far.

That’s ok. I am still trying to process things, decide which way I am pointing in terms of my creative practice and what will happen when the clock ticks midnight on April 1. These days on this blog are violating pretty much every rule when it comes to building a following, but that’s ok, too.

If you are following along, that’s just lovely. Thanks.