31 Day Social Media Fast: Day 27

In which I skip out on Instagram and Facebook for the month of March but still allow myself the internet.

So it’s Wednesday now, and I have been back in the States since Monday, and I am still exhausted. I have a lingering cough from Canada, and it’s one of those that seems to make getting a full breath hard.

And on the flip side, my entire body seems to be seizing up. I taught small children yoga yesterday and nearly ripped my hamstring in the very simplest of forward folds.

Ah, this mortal coil.

Full disclosure: I spent a fair amount of time (about 15 minutes) on Instagram this morning, lured in by mirror glaze and ultimately repelled by ASMR videos of people eating crunchy things (which makes me want to kill myself).

I don’t miss Facebook at all, but Instagram has been harder. With four days left, I don’t know if I will stay off Instagram after this is done, but I am pretty sure Facebook is dead to me.

Also, side note, since this is, for most intents and purposes actually a food blog, I spent the good part of yesterday making fondant fancies, and, as the Brits would say, I’m fairly chuffed about the taste. I am baking for a teacher friend who is having a writing conference at her school, two kinds of fussy gluten-free treats, and this is one of them.

Still trying to live up to the “fancy” part of the name – right now they look like lumpy green rocks (which is the reason there is not a picture above).

I am feeling low today, for a variety of reasons that don’t need discussing right now. I think if I can feel better and maybe move a little my mood will lift, but right now I just want to lay down for a couple of days. My acupuncturist would remind me that transitions between seasons can be very challenging, especially for us windy vata folk, and I am living into that for real. Travel and crossing back and forth time zones, even just one, compounds the stress.

So I will try to be kind to myself and sit in the sunshine and move slowly like the tiny buds peeking through the warming soil. We will see what happens.